Welcome to IMC Survey

Dear IMC Members: As the 2022 election season approaches, we believe it is important for our elected representatives to understand the top priorities that the International Minority community has for the coming year. Many of these issues directly impact our health, our families, our livelihoods and our future. Minorities still have the deck stacked against us in many areas, and we need policy to help bring equity, equal opportunity, and access to all community members. With this in mind, we are polling our IMC members to find out what our collective priorities will be in 2022 so we can voice them to candidates and officials for better service in the coming year. Your answers to the questions below will be vital to ensuring that these important issues – the ones that are important to YOU, your family, and your business – are heard by every candidate, and become the basis for any endorsements the IMC will make. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey completely. The collective results will be published, but individual comments and suggestions will not be attributed and your individual survey answers will remain confidential.

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